This is an origami which I said in my last post I would post.
It is the Origami Infinte Flipper and is an action model that flips over and over ... and over again forever (hence the name).
I found this design on Origami Austria and it is quite a nice piece of origami. I also found the Android logo on this website. The units to make this origami are very easy (just basic folds) however you have to make 24 units (8 in one colour, 8 in another; depending if you want colour and 8 in a colour that will not be seen in the finished product e.g white copy paper.) and the units are a bit complex to put together, I have never put together a modular origami like this before (it requires putting units together and then putting these seperate units together, if you get what I mean). But this is a really interesting piece of origami and I would advise you to make it.
Some other origami models Anna Kastlunger has designed are:
Infinite Flipper (Folded by me) |