Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Origami Infinite Flipper by Anna Kastlunger

This is an origami which I said in my last post I would post.
It is the Origami Infinte Flipper and is an action model that flips over and over ... and over again forever (hence the name).
I found this design on Origami Austria and it is quite a nice piece of origami. I also found the Android logo on this website. The units to make this origami are very easy (just basic folds) however you have to make 24 units (8 in one colour, 8 in another; depending if you want colour and 8 in a colour that will not be seen in the finished product e.g white copy paper.) and the units are a bit complex to put together, I have never put together a modular origami like this before (it requires putting units together and then putting these seperate units together, if you get what I mean). But this is a really interesting piece of origami and I would advise you to make it.

Origami Infinite Flipper- Designed and Diagrammed by Anna Kastlunger

Some other origami models Anna Kastlunger has designed are:

Infinite Flipper (Folded by me)

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Origami Android by Gerwin Sturm

This origami is the Origami Android (which is the logo for an opperating system used on many smartphones) to find out more about android click here.

This model was designed by Gerwin Sturm and is quite a nice model, which when made really resembles the logo for android. I like this model very much however I have yet to fold it ( I found this model on Origami Austria and felt I had to post it.)  I may post a photo of the model, if I manage to fold it.

PDF: Origami Android

I found this model on http://www.origamiaustria.at/index.php?lang=2 which is a very good website with a range of easy to advanced diagrams.
       As far as I know there are no videos on how to fold this model but please comment if I am wrong. I will also post another diagram from this website called the Origami Infinite Flipper.
I will probably post this tomorrow.

Below is the finished model (not folded by me; yet) and the actual android logo.

Origami Android (not folded by me)
The creator of the Origami Android, Gerwin Sturm also has a website:

I will post more origami by tomorrow...

Origami Yoda by Fumiaki Kawahata

Origami Yoda (Folded by me)
This Origami Jedi Master Yoda is a Intermediate to Hard model which requires a fair bit of origami experience. This model is designed by Fumiaki Kawahata and has been diagrammed by Mari Michaelis.

PDF: Origami Jedi Master Yoda

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

I have made this model and trust me it turns out really realistic. I have just made the practice and have yet to make it with a colour. I would advise to use a kami (or possibly a textured paper if you have some) however I used regualar copy paper; which I always use for models as i haven't got round to buying any origami paper yet.

  • If you are interested in buying some origami paper and are interested in origami I would suggest to have a look at http://www.origami-shop.com/ because it has a lot of different paper on offer and a wide variety of books with some really interesting models in them.